Tuesday, November 21, 2017

There's a Witch or Two in the Family!

In the last post I shared a biography of the immigrant John Ayer who came to this country with his family. After arriving he had 5 more children.  One of his daughters was named Mary Ayer ( My 9th Great Aunt)  She grew up in Haverhill, Massachusetts, married Nathan Parker when she was 18 years old, had 8 children, became a widow at 51 and would have been forgotten by history if not for a nasty episode called the Salem Witch Trials.
accused witch

As it has been noted in a number of different blogs and articles (see references below) our Mary Parker may have been the victim of mistaken identity. She stated at her trial " I know nothing of it, there is another woman of the same name in Andover." She may have been referring to her sister-in law, who was ill and senile and also named Mary Parker.  In addition there were two other women named Mary Parker in the area.  One had been brought before the courts for fornication and bearing a child out of wedlock.  In such a small community filled with gossip, one Goode Parker could easily have been mistaken for another. For more information:
http://salem.lib.virginia.edu/people?group.num=&mbio.num=mb42 )

Another family member accused during this time was Capt. John Alden (My 9th Great Uncle on another line), son of Pilgrims John Alden and Priscilla Mullins.  For a great article about his experience, which he survived, please read the attached report:

Finally, we come to Francis Alcock Hutchins, who was accused but was released on bond and never tried. She is my 9th Great Grandmother on the Ayer side.  Her daughter married Thomas Ayer, brother of Mary Ayer Parker who we discussed above.

Interestingly, as a side note, my grandfather, Fred Ayer was a dowser, also known as a water witch. Using a Y shaped branch or diving rod from a tree he was able to discover underground water.  This story is definitely one for an upcoming blog, but had he used this in 1692, I am sure his name would have been among the victims of the Salem Witch Trials!
Image result for water witch dowser

Genealogical references to Mary Ayer Parker: Me, daughter of Lucy Ayer, daughter of Fred Ayer, son of Dana, son of William, son of Sewall, son of Thomas V, son of Thomas IV, son of Thomas III, son of Thomas Jr. brother of Mary Ayer Parker.

Genealogical references to John Alden: Me, daughter of Lucy Ayer, daughter of Fred Ayer, son of Helen McIntyre, daughter of Benjamin, son of Maria Prince, daughter of Sarah Southworth, daughter of John Southworth, son of Jedediah Southworth, son of Sarah Alden. daughter of Johnathan Alden, brother of Capt. John Alden.

Genealogical references to Frances Alcock Hutchins: Me, daughter of Lucy Ayer, daughter of Fred Ayer, son of Dana, son of William, son of Sewall, son of Thomas V, son of Thomas IV, son of Thomas III, son of Elizabeth Hutchins, daughter of Frances Alcock Hutchins.

I will return to this subject of witchcraft and family at a future date.  There is so much information available that I feel like I need more time to cover it adequately.